El 2016 va a llevar a las gimnastas internacionales a recorrer casi todo el mapa, y es que el año olímpico ha repartido las competiciones de tal manera que casi todos los continentes puedan disfrutar de la rítmica.
2016 will bring international gymnasts to travel almost the entire map! The Olympic year has distributed competitions so that almost all continents can enjoy rhythmic gymnastics.
2016 will bring international gymnasts to travel almost the entire map! The Olympic year has distributed competitions so that almost all continents can enjoy rhythmic gymnastics.
Mapa de Muguet Shop / Map from Muguet Shop
Sacamos los cristales para iluminar las zonas en las que se realizarán competiciones destacadas en la temporada olímpica. Empezando por Estados Unidos en apenas dos semanas, siguiendo por Europa con citas ya habituales como son Thiais, Pesaro, Kazan y Sofia, sumando España al calendario de World Cups y finalizando la temporada en Río de Janeiro con los Juegos Olímpicos.
We illuminated with crystals the areas where RG competitions will be held this Olympic season. Starting with the United States in two weeks, following Europe with usual events as Thiais, Pesaro, Kazan and Sofia, adding Spain to the calendar of World Cups and ending the season in Rio de Janeiro for the Olympics.
¿No quieres perderte ninguna cita? A continuación encontrarás un calendario ilustrado por meses con las fechas exactas y el país en el que tendrá lugar la competición.
You do not want to miss any competition? Below there is a calendar illustrated with the exact dates and the country where the competition takes place.
We illuminated with crystals the areas where RG competitions will be held this Olympic season. Starting with the United States in two weeks, following Europe with usual events as Thiais, Pesaro, Kazan and Sofia, adding Spain to the calendar of World Cups and ending the season in Rio de Janeiro for the Olympics.
¿No quieres perderte ninguna cita? A continuación encontrarás un calendario ilustrado por meses con las fechas exactas y el país en el que tendrá lugar la competición.
You do not want to miss any competition? Below there is a calendar illustrated with the exact dates and the country where the competition takes place.
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