La nueva temporada está a punto de empezar y los ejercicios más esperados son los de las tres gimnastas rusas que se juegan la plaza olímpica: Kudryavtseva, Mamun y Soldatova. La información va llegando con cuentagotas, así que a continuación recopilo todo lo que sabemos sobre las estrellas de Irina Viner.
The new season is about to start and Kudryavtseva, Mamun and Soldatova's routines are one of the most exciting surprises of the year. The three russians will have to fight hard to earn a spot on the Olympic Games, due to the rules only allow two gymnasts for each country. New information is coming with a dropper, so then I compiled everything we know about the stars of Irina Viner. Here is a taste of what's coming this year!
The new season is about to start and Kudryavtseva, Mamun and Soldatova's routines are one of the most exciting surprises of the year. The three russians will have to fight hard to earn a spot on the Olympic Games, due to the rules only allow two gymnasts for each country. New information is coming with a dropper, so then I compiled everything we know about the stars of Irina Viner. Here is a taste of what's coming this year!
Yana Kudryavtseva
Tras su operación en Alemania, seis semanas con bota ortopédica y revisiones para asegurarse de que el problema estaba solucionado, Yana hace semanas que volvió a entrenar en Novogorsk. De su ejercicio de pelota tenemos más imágenes que datos; lo que podemos asegurar es que será un ejercicio con música lírica y que su elemento más conocido haciendo rodar la pelota con un dedo estará de vuelta para los JJOO. El final de la rutina es prácticamente idéntico al de esta temporada.
After his operation in Germany, six weeks orthopedic boot and reviews to ensure that the problem was solved, Yana returned to training in Novogorsk weeks ago. About her ball, we have more images that info; we can say she will use lyrical music and its most known element with the ball rolling with her finger will be back for the Olympics. The end of the routine is identical to the onfe she had last season.
After his operation in Germany, six weeks orthopedic boot and reviews to ensure that the problem was solved, Yana returned to training in Novogorsk weeks ago. About her ball, we have more images that info; we can say she will use lyrical music and its most known element with the ball rolling with her finger will be back for the Olympics. The end of the routine is identical to the onfe she had last season.
El aro de Yana (con música rusa) es arriesgado, pero posee la energía necesaria mental y física para afrontar este año, según dice el propio coreógrafo.
Yana's hoop (with russian music) is risky, but has the necessary mental and physical energy to face this year, says the choreographer.
Yana's hoop (with russian music) is risky, but has the necessary mental and physical energy to face this year, says the choreographer.
Poco se sabe de la cinta y las mazas. Mientras que en los primeros entrenamientos seguía usando la misma cinta de colores de 2015, Yana tiene nuevas mazas de color naranja y negro, ¿será ese el ejercicio homenaje a Río?
Little is known about her ribbon and clubs. While in the first practice she was still using the same 2015 colourful ribbon, Yana has new orange and black clubs, would that be the homage to Rio?
Little is known about her ribbon and clubs. While in the first practice she was still using the same 2015 colourful ribbon, Yana has new orange and black clubs, would that be the homage to Rio?
Según las últimas noticias publicadas, quizá no cambien los maillots para las primeras competiciones, pero sí a lo largo del año, habrá cuatro nuevos seguro. A pesar de ello, ya cuentan con los bocetos de todos los diseños que lucirá Kudry. Si el año pasado nos sorprendía con luces en su gala, en 2016 lo hará con pañuelos de colores.
According to the latest news published, Yana may not change her leotards for the first competitions, but throughout the year there will be four new. However, already they have sketches of all designs that Kudry will wear. If last year the world champion surprised us using lights in her gala, in 2016 she will perform with bandanas.
Margarita Mamun
Mamun presentará cuatro ejercicios muy diferentes, uno de ellos con música rock. Al parecer Irina Viner le hizo cambiar el We will rock you que tenía planeado en un inicio para el ejercicio de aro, cuyo inicio o final iba a ser este.
Mamun has four very different exercises, one of them with rock music. Irina Viner apparently made her change We will rock you, the music they had initially planned for hoop, whose start or ending pose would be this.
Mamun has four very different exercises, one of them with rock music. Irina Viner apparently made her change We will rock you, the music they had initially planned for hoop, whose start or ending pose would be this.
En el siguiente vídeo podemos ver algunos momentos de los ejercicios de aro y pelota.
In the following video we can see some moments of ther hoop and ball.
La pelota elegida para esta temporada por Mamun es glitter verde, a continuación podemos ver algunas fotografias. Algunos de los rodamientos nos recuerdan a los utilizados en 2015.
The choice for a ball this season is green glitter, the one we can see in the pictures below. Some of the movements are reminiscent of those made in 2015.
Mamun sigue entrenando con cinta roja y parece que mantiene ese inicio dramático en el que la lanzaba con ambas manos.
Mamun continues to train with red ribbon and it seems that maintains the dramatic start, throwing the ribbon with both hands.
Veremos una imagen más "fatal" de Margarita, con cuatro ejercicios de estilos completamente diferentes. Abrirá la temporada en Kazan y más tarde en el GP Moscú a finales de febrero. Tras el último entrenamiento de 2015, compartió la siguiente imagen en instagram, en la que se pueden ver sus mazas nuevas.
We will see a "fatal" image of Margarita, with four routines with completely different styles. She will open the season in Kazan and then in the GP Moscow in late February. After the last training session of 2015, she shared the following picture on instagram, where you can see their new clubs.
We will see a "fatal" image of Margarita, with four routines with completely different styles. She will open the season in Kazan and then in the GP Moscow in late February. After the last training session of 2015, she shared the following picture on instagram, where you can see their new clubs.
Aleksandra Soldatova
Soldatova enseñará sus ejercicios en la misma competición que Mamun. Poco sabemos de lo que está preparando, cuatro rutinas nuevas con las que espera su plaza para los JJOO. De su cinta hemos podido ver el siguiente fragmento:
Soldatova will show her exercises in the same competition that Mamun. We know little of what she's preparing, but we can expect four new routines to impress and gain a spot to go to the Olympics. In this video we can see a taste of her new ribbon:
Soldatova will show her exercises in the same competition that Mamun. We know little of what she's preparing, but we can expect four new routines to impress and gain a spot to go to the Olympics. In this video we can see a taste of her new ribbon:
Del ejercicio de mazas sólo tenemos imágenes, en las que se ven elementos que ya tenía en el ejercicio de la temporada pasada, a excepción de la posición inicial que da pie a pensar que la música es movida.
We only have images of ther clubs routine, and as we can see she performs elements that she already did in 2015, except for the starting position that leads to think that music is going to be fast and cheerful.
We only have images of ther clubs routine, and as we can see she performs elements that she already did in 2015, except for the starting position that leads to think that music is going to be fast and cheerful.
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